• 30/08/2019
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    Pet Hates

    Pet Hates

    We all have pet hates – everyone does; it’s quite normal. For example: when someone takes the last packet of flea product off the dispensary shelf and doesn’t list it for re-ordering; or, dirty dishes are left in the staff room sink after lunch; or, someone doesn’t refill the kettle for the next person (who

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    • 30/08/2019
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    Mental Health and Well-being June 2019

    Mental Health and Well-being June 2019

    Everyone experiences stress in their life, some more than others. Sometimes people say stress can be a good thing; what they really mean is pressure can have a positive effect in motivating us to do something. Some pressure or feeling out of our comfort zone for a short period can be okay but if that

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    • 30/08/2019
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    Mental Health and Well-being May 2019

    Mental Health and Well-being May 2019

    Can we have a the same heading as before so it becomes brand specific and maybe with #FECAVAVetTeamWellbeing   Mental Health and Wellbeing   Life as a vet and a vet nurse can be amazing…the patients we interact and bond with in the consult room or out on a visit mean a lot to us

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    • 30/08/2019
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    Mental Health and Well-being April 2019

    Mental Health and Well-being April 2019

    FECAVA has formed a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee and our aim is to gather evidence on how mental health issues are affecting the profession in Europe by: recognising the different issues; sharing ideas; providing a place to signpost sources of information and developing a tool kit that can be adapted to individual practices and countries. We

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