Finnland’s »First Dog« taken from the public eye
Finnish President’s family dog, Boston terrier Lennu was a »pop star« of the presidential public appearances. However, since raising awareness about the dark side of brachycephalic dog’s breeding in the Finnland, the country’s First Family decided to relegate their pet Boston terrier, Lennu, to the sidelines, according to President Sauli Niinistö.
“When we got Lennu, we had no idea about the problems related to the breeding of dogs with short snouts,” the President said.
President Niinistö pointed out that all dogs are bred to some extent and noted that the more extensive the breeding, the greater the risk of problems.
“In the dog breeding business, aesthetic values have taken precedence over good health, and it is not a positive development. There’s probably a lot going on there [in dog breeding] now,” the President added.
Meanwhile, First Lady Jenni Haukio made a statement on Twitter that breeding practices that focused on a dog’s appearance at the expense of its health were simply wrong.
“Unfortunately, the problem affects several other breeds, and there is a wide range of health problems, including ones that are not visible,” Haukio tweeted.
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