• 30/08/2019
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    FEDIAF’s statistics on the European pet industry

    FEDIAF’s statistics on the European pet industry

    At its Annual General Meeting in Prague, the European Pet Food Federation (FEDIAF) released its yearly statistics on the European pet industry “Facts & Figures 2018”, which is showing overall sales growth. According to the report, there are approximately 75.3 million cats and 65.5 million dogs living in the European Union, and 103.8 million cats

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    • 30/08/2019
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    The French Kennel Club health report

    The French Kennel Club health report

    The French Kennel Club Société Centrale Canine (SCC) has presented the biennial health report for the years 2017 and 2018, that takes stock of the health of the dogs registered in the L.O.F. (Livre des origins françaisor the Book of French Origin is a French listing of purebred dogs). The report shows the incidence of

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    • 30/08/2019
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    Global repository of available guidelines for responsible use of antimicrobials in animal health

    Global repository of available guidelines for responsible use of antimicrobials in animal health

    The World Veterinary Association (WVO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) created a global repository of available guidelines for responsible use of antimicrobials in animal health, in order to serve veterinarians in their fight against antimicrobial resistance. The list currently contains 75 guidelines, action plans and promotional material on prudent use of antimicrobials

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    • 30/08/2019
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    French video campaign against abandonment of pets

    French video campaign against abandonment of pets

    More than 100.000 animals are abandoned in France every year, which is more than in any other European country. The problem reaches its peak during the summer holidays with more than 60.000 cases. In a new video campaign, released before summer, the animal protection association la Fondation 30 Millions d’Amisis using the hashtag #NonAlAbandon (No

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