Veterinary Telemedicine in Europe: A Mapping by FECAVA

The FECAVA has released maps detailing the availability of veterinary telemedicine across Europe. This initiative, led by FECAVA Vice President Wolfgang Dohne, aims to provide an overview of the current status of telemedicine in the veterinary field, which has become increasingly relevant since the COVID-19 pandemic.

The maps created by Mr. Dohne outline the following key aspects:
1. Regions in Europe where some form of veterinary telemedicine is available.

2. Regions in Europe where veterinary telemedicine is considered to be very common.

3. Regions in Europe where it is possible to prescribe veterinary medicine based solely on a virtual consultation, known as virtual VPCR (veterinary patient-client relationship).*


It is important to note that FECAVA cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of these maps, as the situation regarding telemedicine availability and regulations can vary and change rapidly.

FECAVA encourages anyone with additional or updated information regarding veterinary telemedicine in their country to contact us via email at This collaborative effort will help ensure that the maps remain as accurate and helpful as possible for veterinary professionals and pet owners across Europe.

  • Update: In the UK, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) new guidance on ‘under care’ and prescribing prescription-only veterinary medicines (POM-Vs) came into effect on 1 September 2023. It is a veterinary surgeon’s decision, once they have assessed the situation, whether or not to prescribe medicines remotely or want to carry out a physical examination. More information on the RCVS webpage.


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