NSAVA supports responsible breeding
Norway has 5,2 million inhabitants and 2670 active vets.
The Norwegian Small animal veterinary association has been inspired by the great work of our European colleagues. The last couple of years they focused on unhealthy breeding, and in particular brachycephalic breeds. NSAVA started by arranging a free seminar for their members on the diseases and problems that are associated with brachycephaly, being inspired by the work of BTK (German Tierärztekammer) on the pamphlet Qualzucht. NSAVA made their own pamphlet about “Short-nosed dogs” and one on “Ethical choices when buying a dog”.
They reached out to the Norwegian advertising association Kreativt Forum, urging them to inform their members of the health concerns regarding the brachycephalic dogs and the role the advertisement have on the popularity of certain breeds. This has on a few occasions led to advertising agencies contacting NSAVA for advice before making commercials with dogs and resulted in a stop of commercial use of Pugs! Being also inspired by the work of the BOAS Cambridge group regarding the Respiratory Function Assessment Form, which is something NSAVA would like the Norwegian vets to use. The earlier version has been translated and with the help from The Norwegian veterinary university made available to the Norwegian vets. NSAVA wants all of the brachys to be graded. Especially before they are used for breeding!
NSAVA has been in meetings with politicians regarding unethical breeding, puppy mills and the need for both mandatory ID-chipping all dogs, cats and reptiles and also the need for government regulation of breeding.
Raising awareness about health and welfare issues associated with excessive breed-related traits such as brachycephaly is important to FECAVA. The Federation has recently adopted a Europe-wide position paper on this topic.
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