EU-JAMRAI launches Micro-Combat game App

Micro-Combat game App was developed by the Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAI), EU-JAMRAI, with the aim of providing specific knowledge on antibiotic resistance and improving the correct use of antibiotics among the youngest generations.

It is a card game in which children will put themselves in the shoes of doctors, researchers and health personnel, whose mission is to prevent the population from getting ill due to the attack of the pathogens that run through the city.

With this game we will let younger generations know, in an entertaining way: how to prevent the different pathogens, how resistance affects the use of medicines, and how to protect themselves against diseases.

Micro-Combat is available in 19 European languages, and the video tutorial will be ready in all these languages very soon.

Press Release

Video Tutorial


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