International Stress Awareness Week 2022

Monday 7th, November was the beginning of Stress Awareness Week

Stress is a feeling of being under pressure that is unique to each individual and can come form different aspects of your life.
Everyone experiences stress. Some pressure o feeling out of your comfort zone for a short period of time can be okay but out-of-control stress can be harmful.

We can all be so busy and caught up in the day-to-day of life that we forget to take a moment to look after ourselves each day.

It doesn’t have to be time-consuming and if we start to try and do it each day – it becomes a habit – a good habit to help us.

At the end of the day, why not write down three things that went well. Or, when you’re making a cup of tea, look out the window and focus on what you see – try not to think of your worries or what you need to do…empty your mind for a few minutes. Or, take a deep breath and relax your shoulders – you probably don’t even realise how tense you’ve been.

#Wellness #FECAVAVetTeamWellbeing #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #stressawarnessweek

Here are some suggestions for dealing with stress: INFOGRAPHIC Identifying and Dealing with Stress

#sendnow – Supporting someone who is stressed via text


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