Blooming Monday
That’s Christmas over, the shortest day of the year is past and we are into 2020– where has the year gone?!
A new decade is upon us and summer is just round the corner.
However, the festive season isn’t always the easiest time of year. Everyone is so busy and frantically trying to fit so much in that it can be a bit exhausting; for many, it is an anxious, sad or poignant time of year. The winter months can also be hard: cold; short days; long dark nights.
Therefore, it is important to look after yourself…but how can we do that? Here are a few suggestions:
- Be Kind to yourself –take time out for you!
- Watch for any known triggers
- Don’t spend too long on social media – it can be a negative trigger for many…more on that next month!
Blue Monday is the third Monday in January and recognised in the northern hemisphere as allegedly the most depressing day of the year. To try to help with this, over the last few years this Monday (20th January 2020 this year) has been named `Bloomin Monday` and everyone is encouraged to wear bright cloths and brighten the day up, even just a bright tie or scarf. It is a day to raise awareness of depression and other mental health problems.
Here is how you can take part:
- Wear bright clothes
- Eat colourful cake
- Make people smile
- Talk about Mental health problems and remove the stigma
- Maybe organise your own competition for your Brightest Bloomer.
Please join us for our depression awareness campaign,
Blooming Monday, on 20th January 2020.
Wear your brightest clothes to start conversations about mental health and raise awareness of depression and seasonal affective disorder.
Blooming Monday website.
Share your photos with us on the day!
Chair, FECAVA Mental Health & Wellbeing Working Group
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