FECAVA IVC Evidensia Student Travel Scholarship Recipients Announced for WSAVA/FECAVA Congress in Lisbon

FECAVA, in collaboration with IVSA Europe and IVC Evidensia, is happy to reveal the recipients of the FECAVA IVC Evidensia Student Travel Scholarship. These exceptional students have been chosen to attend the joint WSAVA/FECAVA Congress, set to take place in the beautiful city of Lisbon.

The following veterinary students have been awarded the scholarship:

  1. Luregn von Planta from Switzerland
  2. Viktoria Hirschhofer from Austria
  3. Anastasiya Zabara from Ukraine/Latvia
  4. Nisa Sümertekin from Turkey
  5. Susanna Salvatori from Italy
  6. Iuliana-Bianca Cojan from Romania
  7. Kamila Takacsova Zacharova from Slovakia
  8. Leonidas Folias from Greece
  9. David Mihaljević from Croatia
  10. Diana Druta from Moldova

These exceptional students have demonstrated outstanding dedication and passion for veterinary medicine. The FECAVA IVC Evidensia Student Travel Scholarship aims to give them a unique opportunity to expand their knowledge, connect with industry professionals, and contribute to the global veterinary community.

FECAVA Vice President Wolfgang Dohne, the initiator and the driving force behind the FECAVA IVC Evidensia Scholarship, remarked: »Once again this scholarship, which allows veterinary students from all over Europe to attend an international veterinary conference – often for the first time in their lives – has received a large number of applications. Offering this unique opportunity to our young future colleagues would not have been possible without the logistic support of IVSA Europe and without the generous sponsoring of IVC Evidensia. The FECAVA Board is looking forward to welcome the successful students at the joint WSAVA/FECAVA Congress in September in Lisbon.«

The joint WSAVA/FECAVA Congress, renowned for its world-class scientific program, will gather veterinary professionals and students from around the globe. The scholarship recipients will be privileged to attend informative sessions, engage in networking opportunities, and immerse themselves in the latest advancements in veterinary science.

FECAVA, IVSA Europe, and IVC Evidensia congratulate the recipients. This scholarship exemplifies the commitment to nurturing the next generation of veterinary professionals and fostering collaboration within the industry.

For more information about the FECAVA IVC Evidensia Student Travel Scholarship and the joint WSAVA/FECAVA Congress, please check the FECAVA website.


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