Pet Alliance Europe welcomes IAHAIO President at Annual #PetPower Night in Brussels

At its annual #PetPower event in Brussels, Pet Alliance Europe once again brought together over 100 guests including Members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and Council, animal welfare organisations, assistance animal associations, and stakeholders from the pet industry, many accompanied by their four-legged friends. The gathering continues to demonstrate a broad commitment to celebrate the power of pets (#PetPower) and champion pet welfare in anticipation of World Animal Day.

This year, Pet Alliance Europe had the pleasure of welcoming Marie-José Enders-Slegers, President of IAHAIO (International Association for Human-Animal Interaction Organisations), as a special guest speaker. Marie-José highlighted the essential roles that pets play in everyday life and in crisis situations around the world, with a special focus on therapy animals.

Marie-José shared her thoughts: “It’s inspiring to see so many organisations come together to recognise the vital role that pets play in our lives. I’d like to give special attention to the brave animals who provide assistance in crisis situations, such as the war in Ukraine and the recent floods across Europe. Providing companionship in the most stressful and challenging environments, these pets are true heroes and it is our duty to ensure their welfare is protected.”

Key representatives from Pet Alliance Europe’s founding partners – including Rosa Carbonell, President of FEDIAF, and Roxane Feller, Secretary General of AnimalhealthEurope – alongside Nancy De Briyne, FVE Executive Director, and Ulrike Tewes, FECAVA Secretary – expressed their gratitude for Marie-José’s valuable insights. “It is inspiring to hear such wonderful stories of #PetPower and together, the Alliance will continue working to raise awareness of all therapy pets, whilst promoting high standards of care for both pets and assistance animals.”

Pet Alliance Europe was also pleased to have MEP Petras Auštrevičius close the event with a few thoughts on the importance of pet welfare, and announce the winners of the 2024 edition of the Best Buddies in the Brussels Bubble photo contest.

Pet Alliance Europe is a collaboration between AnimalhealthEurope, FEDIAF (European Pet Food), FVE (Federation of Veterinarians of Europe), and FECAVA (Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations). Continuing to raise awareness of the most recent science proving the benefits of pet interaction, the Alliance has published a new booklet summarising the benefits, which can be downloaded for free at


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