• 01/11/2019
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    Actions against antimicrobial resistance

    Actions against antimicrobial resistance

    On October 15, 2019, the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) One-Health Network, chaired by the European Commission met in Brussels. The group meets bi-annually to present national action plans and activities, share best practices, discuss policy options and enhance coordination of all 28 EU countries, as well as Commission experts and EU agencies. (Presentation: The outcome of the

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    • 26/10/2019
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    European Veterinary Survey 2018

    European Veterinary Survey 2018

    Recently, the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe FVE published the results of the second Vet survey about the veterinary profession in Europe. Over 14,500 veterinarians from 30 FVE member countries completed the online Survey with some interesting results. The small animal veterinarians play a significant role, as 67% of all veterinarians are working with companion

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    • 09/10/2019
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    FECAVA EuroCongress 2019

    FECAVA EuroCongress 2019

    September saw the 25th FECAVA EuroCongress take place for the first time in St. Petersburg, Russia. The local organising committee, led by Alexander Tkachov and RSAVA President, Sergey Sereda, undertook the hard work to bring this event to fruition. A great scientific program, with lectures covering important topics in small animal medicine and surgery, was

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    • 09/10/2019
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    Interview With the New FECAVA President Denis Novak

    Interview With the New FECAVA President Denis Novak

    Could you tell us about your background, what do you do in your everyday life? I qualified from Belgrade Veterinary School and gained additional postgraduate training in the UK (passing the MRCVS exam), primarily at Cambridge vet school, Bristol and London. My further training in diagnostic imaging of skeletal diseases took place at the Veterinary

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