• 18/04/2020
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    Advice about routine prophylactic vaccination during the pandemic

    Advice about routine prophylactic vaccination during the pandemic

    Many animal owners are these days asking about how to proceed with the vaccinations of their pets in the time of the pandemic, when many veterinary clinics are accepting emergency cases only, and many countries have restrictions on the public movement of people. Can the vaccination be postponed? Will their animal stay protected? Various organizations

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    • 04/04/2020
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    WSAVA list of Essential Medicines

    WSAVA list of Essential Medicines

    WSAVA has published a List of Essential Medicines for Cats and Dogs, which was developed by the WSAVA Therapeutic Guidelines Group (TGG) under the leadership of Dr. Paulo Steagall and Dr. Luca Guardabassi. It will tackle the difficulties in accessing basic veterinary medicines in some regions of the world by supporting the availability of the

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    • 03/04/2020
    • 66
    Maintaining Mental Health. What Can You Do?

    Maintaining Mental Health. What Can You Do?

    What a strange and rather surreal time we are all living in. COVID 19 is affecting each and every one of us in some way or another. We will all be dealing with it, physically and emotionally, very differently. Working with FVE, FECAVA have produced the attached ten wellbeing tips from Dr. Rosie Alistair, Vetlife,

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    • 02/04/2020
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    FECAVA Statement on COVID-19 and pets

    FECAVA Statement on COVID-19 and pets

    Recently, the RNA of the SARS-CoV2 virus was found in two dogs and one cat, using RT-PCR diagnostic method. All three animals lived in close contact with infected humans, who were probably the source of the infection. Both positive dogs had the virus found in nasal and oral specimens; showed no clinical signs and were

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